Nullifiers of Faith

16th January 2018, 28 Rabiulakhir 1439H
1.       Shirk in the worship of Allah
2.       Setting up intermediaries between a person and Allah
3.       Believing that the mushrikeen are not disbelievers
4.       The belief that guidance by someone other than the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. is better or that ruling by other than the rule of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. is better
5.       Hating anything of the Prophet’s messages despite practicing it
6.       Mocking or ridiculing any part of Islam
7.       Involvement in sorcery.(i.e: believing in sorcerers, fortune-tellers, astrologers, etc.)
8.       Supporting and assisting the mushrikeen against the muslims
9.       Believing that it is permitted for some people to be free of (implementing) the shariah (revealed laws) of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.
10.    Turning away from Allah’s religion, not learning it or implementing it.


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