The Creator

22nd November 2017, 3 Rabiulawwal 1439H
The Creator
There are living and non living things in this world. The non living things are created by human being like our house, handphone, aeroplane, car, and many more.
Our house has a builder. If there is no builder, our house will not exist. As an owner, we know who build our house. Before the house been build, there will be a designer who design our house.
Our car has a manufacturer. We know who is the manufacturer of our car. Before the manufacturer manufacture the car, the will publish a car manual for us to refer. We will always refer to the car manual before and after we buy the car, as guidance.
How about our universe? Is there any Creator of this complex universe that we live in together? What is the proof that there is a Creator who create this universe? Who is The Creator of the living things?
A human being or any great scientist cannot create a new planet in outer space. We have limitation. We are not capable to create any living things.

Who is The Creator?

As a human being, I believe that there is a God who created this universe and all the living things. It is a fitrah (natural disposition) to believe in God.

As a muslim, I believe that Allah is The Creator. In arabic, The Creator means 'Al-Khaliq' (الخالق). It is one of 99 Allah's attributes.

What is the proof?

As a muslim, I believe in Quran and Hadith. Quran is the authentic words of Allah. Hadith is the collection of prophetic traditions and sayings. The hadith inspired by Allah to Prophet Muhammad PBUH, narrated by Prophet Muhammad's wife and best companions.

We can put Quran to the test, as proof of Allah's existence and the one true God worth to be worship. We can see Allah's creations around us and in ourselves. We cannot see Allah physically in this life, but we can see Him in afterlife if we have chance to go to paradise soon. InsyaAllah
Image result for teach your children quranVerily, to be in paradise eternally with our loved one is our final destination. We can only be in paradise if we believe, worship The Creator of the paradise (Allah), submit to Allah's will, and abstain from things He forbid, as per mentioned in the Quran and hadith.
Image result for teach your children quran

Iqra' is the first word revealed from Allah to Prophet Muhammad through angel Jibrail (Gabriel). Iqra' means 'To Read'. Allah ask us to read so that we will get knowledge. To seek knowledge is a path to Jannah (paradise) and highly rewarding by Allah. Read the Quran and hadith, so that we will not take for granted of Allah's creations around us, which can benefit muslims and non muslims. Quran is a book revealed for mankind. It has information about pre, present and afterlife. It is a guidance for all aspect of human life such as science, finance, history, law, creations, oceanology, botany, and many more. A perfect guidance as way of life.
Worship The Creator, do not worship the creations. To worship God, is a human need - spiritual need. If people do not know Allah, people tend to worship Allah's creations like mountain, trees, fire, etc or the manmade creation such as idols. People tend to create new religion and invent ways of worshipping. Allah has choose messengers from human being to share the messages and taught human being how to worship God correctly. Thats the purpose why Allah sent prophets. Since Prophet Muhammad is the final prophet, muslim today only follow Prophet Muhammad's way of worship Allah. That is the only accepted way, by Allah. It is best for us to know who is Allah.

Allah is our Creator

Image result for development of fetus quran

Image result for development of fetus quran


Surat Al-`Alaq (The Clot)

"Recite in the name of your Lord who created -
Created man from a clinging substance." (Quran 96:1-2)

Surat Al-Mu'minūn (The Believers)

"And certainly did We create man from an extract of clay.
Then We placed him as a sperm-drop in a firm lodging.
Then We made the sperm-drop into a clinging clot, and We made the clot into a lump [of flesh], and We made [from] the lump, bones, and We covered the bones with flesh; then We developed him into another creation. So blessed is Allah , the best of creators.
Then indeed, after that you are to die.
Then indeed you, on the Day of Resurrection, will be resurrected." (Quran 23: 12-16)



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