
12/9/2017, 21 Zulhijjah 1438H 


Surat Muĥammad (Muhammad), Chapter 47, Verse 7:

"O you who have believed, if you support Allah , He will support you and plant firmly your feet." (Quran 47:7)

"And Allah will surely support those who support Him. Indeed, Allah is Powerful and Exalted in Might." (Quran 22:40)

"We have already sent Our messengers with clear evidences and sent down with them the Scripture and the balance that the people may maintain [their affairs] in justice. And We sent down iron, wherein is great military might and benefits for the people, and so that Allah may make evident those who support Him and His messengers unseen. Indeed, Allah is Powerful and Exalted in Might." (Quran 57: 25)

Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, 'Nations were displayed before me; one or two prophets would pass by along with a few followers. A prophet would pass by accompanied by nobody. Then a big crowd of people passed in front of me and I asked, Who are they Are they my followers?" It was said, 'No. It is Moses and his followers It was said to me, 'Look at the horizon.'' Behold! There was a multitude of people filling the horizon. Then it was said to me, 'Look there and there about the stretching sky! Behold! There was a multitude filling the horizon,' It was said to me, 'This is your nation out of whom seventy thousand shall enter Paradise without reckoning.' "Then the Prophet (ﷺ) entered his house without telling his companions who they (the 70,000) were. So the people started talking about the issue and said, "It is we who have believed in Allah and followed His Apostle; therefore those people are either ourselves or our children who are born m the Islamic era, for we were born in the Pre-lslamic Period of Ignorance.'' When the Prophet (ﷺ) heard of that, he came out and said. "Those people are those who do not treat themselves with Ruqya, nor do they believe in bad or good omen (from birds etc.) nor do they get themselves branded (Cauterized). but they put their trust (only) in their Lord " On that 'Ukasha bin Muhsin said. "Am I one of them, O Allah's Messenger (ﷺ)?' The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Yes." Then another person got up and said, "Am I one of them?" The Prophet (ﷺ) said, 'Ukasha has anticipated you." [Sahih al-Bukhari 5705]

Sufficient of us is Allah S.W.T.

Surat 'Āli `Imrān (Family of Imran), Chapter 3, Verse 173:

"Those to whom hypocrites said, "Indeed, the people have gathered against you, so fear them." But it [merely] increased them in faith, and they said, "Sufficient for us is Allah , and [He is] the best Disposer of affairs." (Quran 3:173)

Surat Al-Baqarah (The Cow), Chapter 2, Verse 247:

"And Allah gives His sovereignty to whom He wills. And Allah is all-Encompassing [in favor] and Knowing." (Quran 2:247)

Surat Al-Mā'idah (The Table Spread), Chapter 5, Verse 104:

"And when it is said to them, "Come to what Allah has revealed and to the Messenger," they say, "Sufficient for us is that upon which we found our fathers." Even though their fathers knew nothing, nor were they guided?" (Quran 5:104)

"If only they had been satisfied with what Allah and His Messenger gave them and said, "Sufficient for us is Allah ; Allah will give us of His bounty, and [so will] His Messenger; indeed, we are desirous toward Allah ," [it would have been better for them]." (Quran 9:59)

Surat Yūnus (Jonah), Chapter 10, Verse 29:

"And sufficient is Allah as a witness between us and you that we were of your worship unaware." (Quran 10:29)

Surat 'Āli `Imrān (Family of Imran), Chapter 3, Verse 104:

"And let there be [arising] from you a nation inviting to [all that is] good, enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong, and those will be the successful." (Quran 3:104)

"Those are the ones of whom Allah knows what is in their hearts, so turn away from them but admonish them and speak to them a far-reaching word." (Quran 4:63)

"And do not send away those who call upon their Lord morning and afternoon, seeking His countenance. Not upon you is anything of their account and not upon them is anything of your account. So were you to send them away, you would [then] be of the wrongdoers." (Quran 6:52)


"There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong. So whoever disbelieves in Taghut and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing." (Quran 2:256)




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