
24th July 2017, 30 Syawal 1438H

Tadroon by Maher Zain 


تدرون كم الأجر اللّي تلاقون
يومٍ على المصطفى الهادي تصلّون
تدرون بإنه يجيب اللّي يصلّون

صلّوا عليه و سلّموا قد ما تحبّون

تدرون كم الأجر اللّي تلاقون
يومٍ على المصطفى الهادي تصلّون
تدرون بإنه يجيب اللّي يصلّون

صلّوا عليه و سلّموا قد ما تحبّون

هذا الحبيب اللّي لنا . متشوّق و كلّه حنين
يا ربّي اشهد انّنا . مثله ترى متشوّقين
اجعل كلامه عنّنا . لما دعى لك من سنين
مشتاق أنا لاخواننا . والصّحب كانوا سائلين

من هم عليهم دلّنا . قال النّبي هم اللذين
يبادلونا حبّنا . اللّي لدربي تابعين

ما شفتهم . بس الهنا
لمّا التقيهم . بعد حين
بعد حين

تدرون كم الأجر اللّي تلاقون
يومٍ على المصطفى الهادي تصلّون
تدرون بإنه يجيب اللّي يصلّون

صلّوا عليه و سلّموا قد ما تحبّون

صلّوا عليه و سلّموا قد ما تحبّون

اللي يبي يُحشر معه . ويشرب من إيده في الزّحام
لابد إنّه يتبعه . في كل فعله و الكلام
بكرة عسى الله يجمعه . بمحمد سيد الأنام
في يوم لا ما ينفعه . إلا اتّباع و التزام

يا ربي قلبي مطمعه . شوف النّبي لو في المنام
مشتاق أشوفه وأسمعه . هذا حبيبي والإمام

صَلِّ عليه . وارفعه
و بلّغه مني . السلام

تدرون كم الأجر اللّي تلاقون
يومٍ على المصطفى الهادي تصلّون
تدرون بإنه يجيب اللّي يصلّون

صلّوا عليه و سلّموا قد ما تحبّون

Do you know

Do you know how much reward you'll gain
When you send salutations on the Chosen One, our Guide?
Do you know that he answers those who send him salutations?
Send peace & salutations to him, as much as you wish

Do you know how much reward you'll gain
When you send salutations on the Chosen One, our Guide?
Do you know that he answers those who send him salutations?
Send peace & salutations to him, as much as you wish

Our Beloved who is yearning and is full of longing to meet us
O Lord, bear witness that we also are full of longing to meet him!
Make us the ones he was talking about, when he said many years ago:
I long to see my brothers, so the Companions asked:

Who are they? Tell us what are their traits? The Prophet answered:
They are the ones who reciprocate my love, and who follow my way

I haven't seen them yet, but the great moment of joy...
Is when I will meet them one day, 
one day
Do you know how much reward you'll gain
When you send salutations on the Chosen One, our Guide?
Do you know that he answers those who send him salutations?
Send peace & salutations to him, as much as you wish

Send peace & salutations to him, as much as you wish

If you want to be with him on the Day of Judgement and to drink out of his hand in the midst of all the crowds
You have to follow his guidance in every word and deed
If you do that then Allah may well unite you with Muhammad, the best of mankind
On that day when nothing can help you except whether you've followed him and been steadfast on his path

O Lord, my heart's only desire is to see the Prophet, even if only in my sleep
I long to see him and hear his voice, he is my beloved, my leader

Send your peace upon him, and elevate him
And convey to him my greetings,
my greetings
Do you know how much reward you'll gain
When you send salutations on the Chosen One, our Guide?
Do you know that he answers those who send him salutations?
Send peace & salutations to him, as much as you wish

  1. Lyrics Translation, https://www.musixmatch.com/lyrics/Maher-Zain/%D8%AA%D8%AF%D8%B1%D9%88%D9%86/translation/english, published 16th June 2016.


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