Islamic Funeral Process

10/5/2017, 13 Syaaban 1438H

No One Live Forever

Surat An-Nisā' (The Women), Chapter 4, Verse 78:


"Wherever you may be, death will overtake you, even if you should be within towers of lofty construction. But if good comes to them, they say, "This is from Allah "; and if evil befalls them, they say, "This is from you." Say, "All [things] are from Allah ." So what is [the matter] with those people that they can hardly understand any statement?" 
(Quran 4:78)

Surat Al-Jumu`ah (The Congregation, Friday), Chapter 62, Verse 8:


"Say, "Indeed, the death from which you flee - indeed, it will meet you. Then you will be returned to the Knower of the unseen and the witnessed, and He will inform you about what you used to do." (Quran 62:8)


"Every soul will taste death, and you will only be given your [full] compensation on the Day of Resurrection. So he who is drawn away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise has attained [his desire]. And what is the life of this world except the enjoyment of delusion." (Quran 3:185)

"And We did not grant to any man before you eternity [on earth]; so if you die - would they be eternal?
Every soul will taste death. And We test you with evil and with good as trial; and to Us you will be returned." (Quran 21: 34-35)

"O you who have believed, let not your wealth and your children divert you from remembrance of Allah . And whoever does that - then those are the losers.
And spend [in the way of Allah ] from what We have provided you before death approaches one of you and he says, "My Lord, if only You would delay me for a brief term so I would give charity and be among the righteous."
But never will Allah delay a soul when its time has come. And Allah is Acquainted with what you do." (Quran 63: 9-11)

Islamic Funeral Process

Life In The Grave

We only live once in this worldly life which is short and temporary. However, afterlife is eternal. Do good and right things in this life, because our deeds will determine our future in afterlife, to be in hellfire or paradise eternally. 

Surat Al-Ĥaj (The Pilgrimage), Chapter 22, Verse 31:


"Inclining [only] to Allah , not associating [anything] with Him. And he who associates with Allah - it is as though he had fallen from the sky and was snatched by the birds or the wind carried him down into a remote place." (Quran 22: 31)

Narrated `Abdullah:
Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "Anyone who dies worshipping others along with Allah will definitely enter the Fire." I said, "Anyone who dies worshipping none along with Allah will definitely enter Paradise."
Reference : Sahih al-Bukhari 1238
In-book reference : Book 23, Hadith 2
USC-MSA web (English) reference : Vol. 2, Book 23, Hadith 330
  (deprecated numbering scheme)

Narrated Abu Dhar:
Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "Someone came to me from my Lord and gave me the news (or good tidings) that if any of my followers dies worshipping none (in any way) along with Allah, he will enter Paradise." I asked, "Even if he committed illegal sexual intercourse (adultery) and theft?" He replied, "Even if he committed illegal sexual intercourse (adultery) and theft."
Reference : Sahih al-Bukhari 1237
In-book reference : Book 23, Hadith 1
USC-MSA web (English) reference : Vol. 2, Book 23, Hadith 329
  (deprecated numbering scheme)
Shahadah is the only ticket to enter paradise. It is never too late to renew our faith and worship the right one true God. The God that created this universe, human being, animals, plants, heaven, hell, etc. Worship The Creator, not the creation. Allah is ever forgiving and merciful.

Surat Al-Mulk (The Sovereignty), Chapter 67, Verse 2:


"[He] who created death and life to test you [as to] which of you is best in deed - and He is the Exalted in Might, the Forgiving -" (Quran 67:2)

Surat Ar-Ra`d (The Thunder), Chapter 13, Verse 11:

"Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves." (Quran 13:11)

  2. Sahih al-BukhariBook of Funerals (Al-Janaa'iz),, viewed 10th May 2017.
  3. Sahih MuslimThe Book of Prayer - Funerals,, viewed 10th May 2017.
  4. Bulugh al-MaramBook of Funerals,, viewed 12th July 2019.
  5. Jami` at-TirmidhiThe Book on Jana''iz (Funerals), viewed 12th July 2019.


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